Attorneys At Law

Case Results


Some Representative Case Results

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$1 million: Automobile accident

A case of negligence and negligent hiring, against a garbage truck company and its driver for causing catastrophic injuries to our client.

The driver of the truck cut across a busy road to make a garbage pickup and caused our client to collide with the truck at high speed. Our investigation revealed that the driver had a terrible driving record, and the truck lacked flashers which could have prevented the accident.

Our client suffered grievous and permanent injuries, including a broken leg, broken ribs and a broken wrist.


$528,000: Alcohol Related

A case of two bars over-serving a young woman who was later killed while attempting to cross a busy highway.

Our client, the mother of the young woman, sued the bars and other defendants alleging various claims, including negligence and violation of the New Jersey Dram Shop Act.

The woman was served until her blood alcohol level was more than twice the legal driving limit. She later attempted to cross the highway alone at night to meet up with her friends and was struck by a vehicle.

She was hospitalized for a week and ultimately died of her injuries.


$310,000: Premises Liability/Accident on Premise

A case against a commercial property owner for failing to adequately maintain its premises and causing our client to slip and fall on ice on the floor inside the property.

Our client suffered extreme injuries to his back, shoulder and leg.


$290,000: Pedestrian Strike

A case against a school bus company for driving over the foot of our elderly client while she attempted to cross a street in Paterson, New Jersey.

We established that the bus was speeding, and that the driver failed to see our client.  She suffered a crush injury to her foot which resulted in the amputation of multiple toes and caused her to have multiple painful debridement procedures.


$210,000: Slip and Fall on Premises

A case against a commercial property owner for failing to adequately remove snow and ice, and causing our client to slip and fall on ice.  Our client, whose business was a tenant at the building in question, suffered injuries to her knee and hip and underwent a total knee arthroplasty.


$175,000: Driving under the influence of Marijuana

A case for a client who was a passenger in a vehicle involved in an accident.  Our client suffered multiple injuries including a serious injury to his hip.  The injury was caused by the driver of the vehicle who was found to be under the influence of marijuana.



$95,000: Slip and Fall on Premises

A case for an elderly client who slipped and fell in a supermarket parking lot.  We sued the supermarket and the maintenance company hired by the supermarket to remove snow and ice.  The defendants failed to clear snow from the lot for days after a heavy storm, and our client fell on ice and suffered a hip injury.